When a woman loves a man she sees things in him that he doesn't see in himself. Those special women can build a man into a prolific icon. It's not that the men were weak or not capable before.it's seems to me that the desire or focus was off.
A man can want to do great things yet if his support teams lack they will hinder him. If his confidence isn't high enough.society and the obstacles he faces can also hinder his progression.which is where a woman comes in.
With the right touch smell or look.a woman can get a man to move a mountain for her.with that said that power can be also used for the wrong reasons. A woman can bring a strong man down. This relationship of success and failure is always a very tricky road to take.
From when I was younger.my mother would always tell me.a good woman is hard to find and behind every great man is a great woman. Now it seems to me pickings are getting slimmer.
Over the past year I've kept myself away from the temptations of women around me.yet now I find even more resentment to them.it's not fair to set your heart on another to just have it rejected.it's ludicrous to me to find dedication and devotion just squandered away.
I was raised to believe no one is perfect.that people no matter how much they over look the blue prints will make mistakes.yet as I get older I find ppl have less tolerance for mistakes.they act like they are perfect and mistakes are made by the uneducated and dim witted.
It's from these things that I've found the world to be a complicated place. I was once told by the love of my life.love isn't a fairy tale it's something you have to work on. Now are leaving her and taking her advice.
I set out on a path to find myself and ensure the hardship of the world.if not to make me mature at least to widen my understanding of adulthood and love.maybe my thoughts and findings on love were a bit misconstrued.
Now after months of soul searching and demon fighting (fighting my vices). I came to a point where I could look myself in the mirror with confidence.I didn't need a woman in my bed to feel good about myself. I was happy with me. Yet I found something still lacking in my life.
My life with Christ had not only grown exponentially but he propelled me further in a few months then I thought possible.yet I find myself praying at night not only got myself but for my significant other.who I believed knew I needed this journey and who was going to be supportive.
Yet alas that's not what happened.I find myself standing at a new precipice of life. I find myself more hurt now then before.I will say this I won't question God though.for me brought me this far against all odds.I would be an even bigger fool to believe he would forsake me at a time like this.at a time when everything I've have prayed for over the past few months.has began to dissolve in my face.
No I won't let go of him.I won't stop praying. This is the time when I need to attend stronger then before.this is the tune when my faith needs to be at its most prime state.my love is mad but our hearts can be mended.I've out my faith in the Lord over these few months.and I can attest to what he can do for you if you give him the glory.
Even though my heart she's abd I feel like giving up.he whispers to me this isn't the end my son. I believe him to so on I will push myself.to continue to be that iconic man that my significant other told me I could be.weather she will support me or abandon me for a new smiling face.I'll be here with my faith and my prayers.