Detective Vince arms walked into the shady apartment building. The sound of sirens blaring outside and the noisy tenants gave him a headache. He walked up the steps to the five floor apartment building. On the second story his foot made a splash in a puddle. He looked down with disgust at the piss he stepped in. Just another day on the job, he thought to himself as he continued up the stairs.
Even though the stairway smelled of piss, it wasn't the worse smelling place in the city. Chicago was a cold town and foul smelling things lurked around every corner. After ten years of being on the force Vince was use to it. One thing that he never did get use to was what he was about to see.
On the third floor, Vince opened the door and immediately noticed the other officers huddled around at the scene. He nodded and made his way inside. He checked out the scene and put on his plastic gloves.
The apartment was a small one bedroom. It looked much nicer on the inside than the building itself. It made him chuckle a little at how the most beautiful things could be inside the ugliest places. The carpet was fresh white. He could tell that the victim was a clean freak. All the books on the shelves were in order, beside the apparent struggle that went on. Vince was starting to gather a picture of what the place looked like before. The crime scene members were moving around like busy bees in the apartment taking pictures.
The hallway was rather small and Vince being 6'2 and a solid 275lbs made it a bit cramped for him personally. He noticed a hand shaped trail of blood leading to the bedroom. It was most likely from the victim trying to avoid going into the room. Making assumptions in his field of work was usually a bad idea. Yet more times than not, Vince was right.
He entered the room to a crowd of officers surrounding the bed. Lying on the bed was a young girl. It looked as if she were just fast asleep. Vince knew better though. She was as dead as a door nail. Officer Carter came over and gave Vince the rundown of what they knew already.
The victim was a 22 year old student. From what the neighbors said she was a quiet girl that stayed by herself. She was strangled to death. Vince noticed the dark marks around her neck. There were no finger prints to be found in the apartment or any sign of forced entry. The perp must have cleaned up good after himself. She could’ve even known the killer.
Vince walked closer to the girl. She was so young and this was such a pointless crime. Yet there wasn't much he would know until the autopsy was finished. Vince turned towards Officer Carter. “Keep me posted”, he said. Vince gave the apartment another once over for his own mental records and then headed out the door.
At 3 am Vince’s phone rings. He looks at it and pushes the decline button. The phone rings again and he does the same. On the third ring, he finally answers. It’s Officer Carter calling him to report another victim. Vince jotted down the location and hung up. Within thirty minutes he was at the scene of his latest victim.
Squad cars blocked off both ends of the alley. Vince walked past the yellow police tape and headed toward the crowd of officers. They were standing around a dumpster. Vince walked up and noticed a leg protruding out the side of the dumpster. As he got closer he spotted the victim. It was another girl who looked to be in her early twenties. She was thrown amongst the trash. Her white panties clung down her legs as if the killer wanted to send a message.
Vince knew this area well. It was a popular place for hookers. This girl didn't look like a street walker though. Yet after all this time on the force Vince knew better then to underestimate people and their lifestyles. She was blonde, about 5´2, maybe 120 or 130lbs. Officer Carter made his way over and gave him the run down.
A homeless man saw the perp drop her off and then drive off. Out of curiosity, he came over and found her just as she was. He called the cops expecting a reward. It made Vince sick to know that people didn't help because it was the right thing to do anymore. They just wanted a hand out for doing the moral thing. This girl has a mother and a father who are probably worried sick about her.
The homeless man was of no help to Vince. Officer Carter had already interviewed him and got nothing but the description of the car, which was reportedly black. In this dark unlit alley a blue car could look black. Carter also told him that he smelled of a gallon of liquor. He obviously wasn't the most credible witness, Vince thought to himself. Even so, Vince knew that sometimes people knew more than they thought they did. A few small unimportant details could be very valuable.
Vince walked over to the man who went back to the alley across the way. He continued to drink and watch the excitement.
“I’m detective Vince arms. I know you already spoke to some officers but maybe you wouldn't mind running down your story again to me."
"I only saw the car drive up. The driver got out and threw her from the back seat into the trash. He bent down and did something to her. He then got back into his car and drove off."
“I’m detective Vince arms. I know you already spoke to some officers but maybe you wouldn't mind running down your story again to me."
"I only saw the car drive up. The driver got out and threw her from the back seat into the trash. He bent down and did something to her. He then got back into his car and drove off."
"Was he a big guy or small guy? Was he a black man or a white man?"
"He was white for sure’’ maybe a little smaller than you. It looked like his car wasn't big enough for him. I noticed he struggled to get out"
"He was white for sure’’ maybe a little smaller than you. It looked like his car wasn't big enough for him. I noticed he struggled to get out"
"If it was dark how do you know he was white?"
“When he threw her down and did what he did, I saw a watch he had on his hand. It looked nice and expensive."
"Is there anything else you noticed maybe the license plate or you're of car"
"The plates were custom I couldn't really catch what it said. He drove off pretty quick. The car looked like a bmw or something like that. I’m not really into cars. Am I going to get my reward now?"
“When he threw her down and did what he did, I saw a watch he had on his hand. It looked nice and expensive."
"Is there anything else you noticed maybe the license plate or you're of car"
"The plates were custom I couldn't really catch what it said. He drove off pretty quick. The car looked like a bmw or something like that. I’m not really into cars. Am I going to get my reward now?"
"Thanks for your time.’’
Vince went into his jacket and pulled out his wallet. He handed the drunk a $20 bill. He turned and walked back across the street. Half way he looked up and down the road. Looking at the stores on the strip most of them were run down and locked up tighter than fort Knox. Yet maybe one of them had a camera facing the street and got something. Just a glimpse of the perp or his car could break this case wide open.
Vince went into his jacket and pulled out his wallet. He handed the drunk a $20 bill. He turned and walked back across the street. Half way he looked up and down the road. Looking at the stores on the strip most of them were run down and locked up tighter than fort Knox. Yet maybe one of them had a camera facing the street and got something. Just a glimpse of the perp or his car could break this case wide open.
Vince's phone started vibrating in his pocket. It snapped him out of his thoughts. He picked it out his pocket and answered. It was the medical examiner calling to tell him he had something interesting from his first victim. Vince hung up and told Carter to finish up and keep him posted.
Within minutes Vince was pulling into the medical examiner's parking lot. He had been there so many times he had a spot he always parked in. It seemed as if he was on auto pilot going straight to the examiner’s office. Within minutes he was again looking at his first victim. The examiner confirmed she was strangled. He picked up a plastic bag and handed it to Vince. Vince looked at it curiously. It was a piece of paper with the letter M written on it.
"I'm not sure what that means but I found it shoved down her throat."
"Your guess is as good as mines".
"I'm not sure what that means but I found it shoved down her throat."
"Your guess is as good as mines".
Vince left and headed home. As he pulled into his driveway his cellphone rang. It was Officer Carter calling. He answered and got the news of another body being found. This time it was on the side of the highway. A truck driver with a flat tire found the body of a young girl. They were on the west side of Chicago.
Within 45 mins Vince was at the scene and waking past the police tape. Officer Carter came over and gave him the run down.
"I think we have a serial killer on our hands."
"What makes you say that"
"The victim has the same mo as our last victim"
"What MO Is that"
"She had something shoved down her"
"How did you know about that"
"George called me to give me an update"
"I think we have a serial killer on our hands."
"What makes you say that"
"The victim has the same mo as our last victim"
"What MO Is that"
"She had something shoved down her"
"How did you know about that"
"George called me to give me an update"
Vince walked towards the body. The victim looked to be about 22. She was black and skinny with a small waist. The shrubs and brushes were still over her frail body.
A normal driver would've never noticed her driving past. It could have been months before the highway patrol found her. Officer Carter tapped him on the shoulder bringing Vince back to reality. In his hand he held an evidence bag. Vince took the bag and seemed to be mesmerized by the paper. A bold letter N was in the paper. Carter snapped his fingers bringing Vince out the trance.
Vince walked back over to the victim and took in the scene. He told Carter to keep him posted and headed to his car. Driving home Vince mind raced. He wished to know what the M&N stood for. What message was this psychopath trying to send? Before he could answer his own questions, his phone rang again. It was George the medical examiner.
"I just finished on your second victim. Her panties were clean he must have
"Yah we did she should be coming to you shortly. Thanks George"
MIN what is he trying to tell us? Why are these bodies coming so rapidly? I have to get a lead on this guy before he really gets out of control. He is starting to get bold and taunting us. It’s not going to be long before the media finds out and spins this out of control. Vince arrived home and finally made it to his bed. It seems like he hadn't been in it for years. Slowly he started to drift to sleep.
The house phone in Vince’s apartment rang. He turned out his sleep but didn't want to get it. Nobody important ever called him. When his cell phone rang it was always work related. He turned over and tried to get back to sleep, letting the answering machine get it.
"I know your there detective arms. Do you like my work? Do you think you’re close to catching me? I have one more gift for you detective. I’ve been watching you. I see how you look at my work. I see how you burn inside. You and I are not much different. I know you hear me. I know your home. I can see you sleeping in your bed."
Vince jumped up and grabbed his gun from the dresser. He ran to the window and looked out. There was no one outside, at least no one that he could see or anything that looked suspicious. He closed his blinds shut and ran to the phone.
"What do you want you sick freak"
"Nice to finally hear your voice Vince. Can I call you Vince? I feel like I know you so well now. I have a gift for you. She is so young and beautiful. She isn't my usual type but I figure you would get a kick out of it. Say hello to detective Vince arms sweetie."
"Hello please help me please help me"
"Naughty girl see that's why your here you can’t follow instructions. Such a naughty bad girl"
If you hurt her I'll kill you myself you psychopath"
"Note detective you hurt my feelings not I'm really going to have to put some work into her to make her just right for you"
"I'm sorry you don't have to do this. What do you want? I’m sure we can help you. Just let her go"
"To late detective she is already MINE"
"What do you want you sick freak"
"Nice to finally hear your voice Vince. Can I call you Vince? I feel like I know you so well now. I have a gift for you. She is so young and beautiful. She isn't my usual type but I figure you would get a kick out of it. Say hello to detective Vince arms sweetie."
"Hello please help me please help me"
"Naughty girl see that's why your here you can’t follow instructions. Such a naughty bad girl"
If you hurt her I'll kill you myself you psychopath"
"Note detective you hurt my feelings not I'm really going to have to put some work into her to make her just right for you"
"I'm sorry you don't have to do this. What do you want? I’m sure we can help you. Just let her go"
"To late detective she is already MINE"
The phone hung up and Vince was still shouting into the dial tone. He was so angry he slammed the phone down and cursed himself for letting that maniac take control of his emotions. He threw all his years of training dealing with guys like that right out the window. She was alive though and he had a chance to save her. Vince grabbed his gun and threw on some clothes and ran out the house.
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